I could listen to you talk books all day!

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Sep 12Liked by Sarah Orman

I can think of a few male celebrities with some book club clout. NBA star Steph Curry is an avid reader and had a book club for a few years via Literati (which is no longer hosting clubs). After the death of rapper Nipsey Hussle, a fan pulled together a list of all the books he'd ever mentioned in interviews or whatnot. This has morphed into a book club with multiple chapters. And NFL player Andrew Luck has a club where he pairs a young adult book with an adult book ("rookie" and "veteran"). Preaching to the Chickens and The Color of Water were his August picks.

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Yes! Right after he read this post, my husband told me about Andrew Luck’s book club. I love the idea of rookie and veteran books. He also said that Jimmy Kimmel had, or still has, a book club. Didn’t know about Steph Curry but I can’t wait to tell my son. Thanks for commenting!

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Menopause is so hard-core trending. I am finally cool for the first time in my life (but not literally b/c I’m so damned hot!). Truthfully, despite that I am 49, my doc says I’m not there yet. Regular periods and such. But my body temp says otherwise!

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I've been reluctant to read _All Fours_ for a few reasons but mainly I'm SO over the divorce (white lady, self congratulatory, super privileged) lit that remains an ongoing thing. But I hadn't read The Metal Bowl yet so now will be more inclined to check out. Thanks for that and your discussion of the rage that's been the tickle in your throat since motherhood. That's a gem that resonates!

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Thanks, Elizabeth! I think I know what you mean. There is an unexamined privilege in a lot of writing that I think of as the offspring of Eat, Pray, Love. (Which I don’t mean as a comment on Elizabeth Gilbert; I admire how she’s used her platform to inspire and nourish creativity in others.) To my mind, All Fours is something new: a novel narrated by a woman who is self-aware and interested in pushing beyond her own hangups. I’d love to hear what you think if you decide to read it.

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Sep 6Liked by Sarah Orman

I read Sandwich. The experience reminded me of how you once said that watching Swingers was like watching a bunch of ants.

Also, apropos of a bit I liked in your terrific essay, here is a line I just read in another terrific essay in Harper's, by Andrew Lipstein, concerning whether or not passive index fund investing is a bubble: "If you've ever wanted to ask, 'Well, aren't *all* Americans aging?' you're not just an asshole; you've hit on exactly why passive mutual funds, unlike cable TV, won't go out with the baby boomers."

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I said that about Swingers? That’s outstanding. Way to go, younger me. Thanks for reading my essay and not quite calling me an asshole? This is why sibling relationships are the best.

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Sep 6Liked by Sarah Orman

It's more that I read something I liked in your essay that bounced my brain to another thing I'd just read and liked in another essay the day before. I assure you, this asshole wasn't even approaching calling anybody else an asshole.

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Sep 16Liked by Sarah Orman

I’m in the middle of Sandwich - and menopause - and so much of what you wrote here resonates in my bones. I will check out All Fours (I decided not to after reading an early review but you’ve changed my mind). Capitalism has definitely come for (peri)menopause. I’m glad books finally have too.

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Thanks, Alana! That’s interesting about the reviews. At least one reviewer in the NYT accused the book of agism, which I strongly disagree with. (But I won’t say why because it would be a spoiler.) I’m glad you’re going to give it a try!

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So smart and so funny! Thank you.

And I have a minor quibble with the quote from Tracy Clark Flory: “There is so much packed into this thrilling, wholly original, and at times deliriously bizarre novel—from its treatment of perimenopause as a last call for sexual adventure..." Perimenopause is nowhere near the last call. Check out my novel "Brilliant Charming Bastard" for example -- the adventures of sixty-somethings bent on romance and revenge.

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Oh my god, this is funny!

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This is so juicy. Well written

I’m gonna get all fours right now as a postmenopausal woman I want to see what I missed potentially


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Thank you! It’s a wild ride. I can’t promise you’ll love it but I guarantee it will make you think.

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Absolutely incredible essay. Sarah, I knew you were a hell of a writer, but I need to *make time* to read your newsletter more often. Ordering All Fours now. I was on the fence. Just finished Liars and it kind of knocked the breath out of me--granted, I'm fragile lately! Anyway, thanks for this excellent review and essay. Fabulous.

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Thank you, that means a lot! I hope I get to hear what you think about All Fours. I’m loving all the conversations it has inspired.

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AYTGIMM is a long and awkward meme but the typo confused me! God, where are the copy editors?? Bad start to very long piece!

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God, where ARE the copy editors? Good thing you're out there, Judy! Typo fixed. Thanks for the heads up.

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