Sep 20Liked by Sarah Orman

Hello Sarah,

Thanks for your insightful reviews. I have been thinking a great deal about young women in their 20s, as my daughter is 23, and has recently gone to Israel to teach English for a year. During her senior year in college, she was driven by the desire to choose a financially rewarding career. But when she actually graduated this past December, she was restless about getting sucked into starting a long term career. So she went to Israel to do 2 weeks of volunteering. She loved it. She travelled some more. Then her heart turned back to something she thought she would love to do, teach, (except for the poor pay). So she eagerly accepted an invitation to teach English to elementary school kids in a diverse public school in Israel. And I am Empty Nester Esther. Something that occupies my daily thoughts is remembering back half a century to my early twenties. Gemma has told me to write “our story” which I have begun to do. But we both realize that I have to begin by telling my story, ands who I was before she came into my life, with pure u relenting joy. I hope to get enough on paper, or rather the computer, so that I can put you to work as my guiding editor. Happy New Year.

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Dear Esther, I'm so happy to read this! I hope you do get around to writing the story of who you were before Gemma--what a gift that would be to her as she gets older. I'm here to help whenever you're ready. (And I love "Empty Nester Esther." Sounds like a good title!)

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